Swilar | Services
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Setting up a new company

Setting up a new company

The entry of a foreign company into the Russian market raises a number of issues for the owners, which are difficult to solve without competent support and advice on the spot.

Supporting foreign investors in Russia has been one of the key areas of swilar's work for many years.

Our services include all necessary aspects: from accounting outsourcing, controlling and reporting according to the standards of the parent company, up to support in building a sales network.

We can help you with the following issues:

  • choice of legal form of the company (subsidiary LLC, branch or representative office);

  • determination of activities in accordance with the Russian classification for registration of the company in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;

  • preparation of the company's constituent documents;

  • selection of locations for sales, purchasing and production departments;

  • completion of the company`s registration procedure, including opening settlement accounts;

  • obtainment of necessary permits and licenses;

  • coordination of interaction between subsidiary and parent company.

Our company is also ready to undertake further support of the business established in Russia from accounting, reporting and controlling outsourcing to distribution.

We provide services to the extent required by your business.