Swilar | Services
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Strategic consulting

Solving strategic issues is one of the key management challenges. The success of a business in the long term depends on how competent its strategic decisions are.

swilar has been providing professional services in strategic consulting in Russia for many years.

We work in the following directions:

  • analysis of the existing strategy of business development;

  • assessment of feasibility and economic efficiency of the project / business plan;

  • development of strategic concepts;

  • introduction and implementation of the approved development strategy.

Our cooperation is based on the following scheme:

  • identification of problems that need to be solved;

  • agreement on the statement of work to be done;

  • collecting the missing information to effectively address strategic issues;

  • interim reporting at all stages of service delivery;

  • final reporting on the tasks performed.

Our strategic concepts are equally suitable for entering the Russian market, as well as for adapting the structure of an existing business to changing market conditions.

Our goal is to minimize your risks and the success of your business!