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Obligation to include the personal data of corporate customers In the ESIA

Obligation to include the personal data of corporate customers In the ESIA

According to the latest amendments to the Federal Law "On communication" №126-FZ from 07.07.2003, starting from 01.12.2021 organizations and individual entrepreneurs will be able to use corporate mobile communication only if the personal data of the employees of the corporate customers is included into the Unified System of Identification and Authentication (rus. ESIA).

Shall the proceeding not comply with this requirement till 01.12.2021 the employees of the organizations will be disconnected from the corporate communication services.

What is the ESIA?

The ESIA is the Russian information system, which is used for authorization on the Russian state portal "Gosuslugi".

How to provide the data to the ESIA?

Data are uploaded to the ESIA in three steps.
The procedure is as follows:

1. The organization enters the following information about employees using corporate account on the website of the mobile operator:  personal data of an employee (passport data);
 phone number;
 name of organization / full name of individual entrepreneur.
Data may also be entered by employees themselves if they have access to the corporate account.

2. The employee confirms the uploading of his/her personal data via personal account on the "Gosuslugi". After that the information will be sent to the mobile operator.

3. The mobile operator enters data into ESIA.

What are the deadlines for providing the data?
Data on users of corporate mobile communication under contracts concluded before 01.06.2021 must be entered into the system not later than 30.11.2021. If starting using corporate mobile communication from the 01.06.2021, the data need to be submitted to the mobile operator prior to the start of service provision.

Corporate users who use M2M (Machine to Machine) SIM-cards in ATMs, POSterminals, video surveillance systems, according to the Decree of RussianGovernment № 844 dd. 31.05.2021, should submit their data not later than September 1, 2021.

Please do not hesitate to contact us in case of any questions!

Maria Matrossowa, Project leader swilar OOO
M: maria.matrossowa@swilar.ru, T: + 7 499 978 37 87 (ext. 308)
Tatiana Ushakova, Project manager swilar OOO
M: tatiana.ushakova@swilar.ru, T: +7 499 978 37 87 (ext. 309)