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Business with Russia? Sure!

Business with Russia? Sure!

In March, www.karenina.de published an interview with Dr. Georg Schneider, "Geschäfte mit Russland? Aber ja!".  Journalist Peter Kopf asked the General Director of swilar a number of questions about opportunities and problems of business-cooperation with Russia.


The key issues of the interview:

  •  Whether import substitution policy in Russia is a problem for German companies;

  • Whether it is possible to say that the state runs the economy in Russia;

  • How German companies may use the huge gap which exists in Russia between individual and serial production;

  • How to gain the trust of business partners in Russia and why it is so important to conclude a framework agreement;

  • Whether banks hinder German companies from doing business in Russia;

  • How customs issues affect business;

  • How risky it is to invest in Russia at the moment;

  • U.S. sanctions and the rate of their impact on German-Russian business;

  • Pharmaceutical industry and the Sputnik V vaccine as the oil of tomorrow - fantastic opportunities for economic cooperation.


The full text of the interview is available on the website. Enjoy reading!


For reference

KARENINA www.karenina.de is the online edition of the German-Russian discussion forum "St. Petersburg Dialogue", which began to develop during the pandemic. The goal of the online platform is to establish internal communication between forum members and working groups, as well as to make the association, founded in 2001, visible to the outside world through its own journalistic activities