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Changes in Migration Legislation

Changes in Migration Legislation

We would like to pay your attention to the fact that the changes specified in the Federal Law No. 274-FZ of July 01, 2021 “On the introduction of amendments to the Federal Law “On the legal status of foreign citizens in the Russian Federation” and the Federal law “On state fingerprint registration in the Russian Federation” shall become effective from December 29, 2021.

According to the Federal Law No. 274-FZ of July 01, 2021 foreign citizens who have arrived in the Russian Federation for working purposes (including highly qualified specialists) shall be subject to mandatory medical examination for substance abuse, infectious diseases that constitute a danger to the public, as well as HIV infection, to state fingerprint registration and photography within 30 calendar days from the date of arrival in the Russian Federation or from the date of receipt of work permission documents.

Besides, foreign citizens who have arrived in the Russian Federation for purposes other than work for a period exceeding 90 calendar days shall be subject to the abovementioned mandatory medical examination, mandatory state fingerprint registration and photography within 90 calendar days from the date of arrival in the Russian Federation.

State fingerprint registration and photography of foreign citizens will need to be completed once.

The medical examination must be repeated multiple times depending on period of validity of medical certificates. It is necessary to mention that in accordance with the clause 20 of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation Order No. 1079нof November 19, 2021 that enters into force from March 01, 2022, medical certificates issued to foreign citizens will be in force within 3 months from their issuance. The Law specifies the procedure for repeated medical examination and submission deadline of its results to the territorial authority of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation within 30 calendar days from the date of expiry of medical certificates. The results of the medical examination are to be submitted by a foreign employee in person or through the Russian unified portal of state and municipal services (Gosuslugi).

If a foreign citizen fails to comply with the above-mentioned mandatory procedures, the period of his residence is reduced and he will be obliged to leave the territory of the Russian Federation.

Maria Matrossowa, Project leader swilar OOO
M: maria.matrossowa@swilar.ru, T: + 7 495 648 69 44 (ext. 308)
Tatiana Ushakova, Project manager swilar OOO
M: tatiana.ushakova@swilar.ru, T: +7 495 648 69 44 (ext. 309)