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Changes in corporate legislation from 01.09.2024
Changes in relation to OOO that will be in effect from September 01, 2024
Counterparty verification in CIS countries: Kazakhstan
Screening possibilities of foreign counterparties in the Republic of Kazakhstan
Review article “International payment practices in the current environment”
Exclusively for the Russian Business Guide magazine
Review article “CHANGES IN 2024: Double Taxation Agreements (DTAs), Transfer Pricing, Offshoring and other news”
Exclusively for the Russian Business Guide magazine
Peculiarities of entering into contracts with partners from China
Important features of concluding contracts between partners from Russia and China, which will help you to avoid a number of mistakes
New in the rules for issuing permits by the government commission
Review of the latest changes in the procedure for transactions with shares of OOOs with participants from unfriendly countries
Submission of information about members of a foreign organization
All representative offices and branches of foreign companies are required to submit information about the members and beneficiaries of their parent structures to the tax authority by 28.03.2024
Changes in payments to highly qualified specialists (HQS) from 01.03.2024
Starting from 01.03.2024, the wages (remuneration) of an HQS must be at least 750 000 RUB per quarter.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
We sincerely wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! May the New Year 2024 bring only pleasant surprises, growing numbers, well-being and prosperity.
Internet advertising marking: Key points
Important: the new requirements apply to internet advertising that is displayed only in the Russian Federation