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Ordinary general meeting of LLC participants in 2023

Ordinary general meeting of LLC participants in 2023

We would like to remind you that it is compulsory for every LLC to hold an annual ordinary general meeting, which shall be convened by the LLC executive body.

This meeting is held once a year, between 1 March and 30 April, to approve the annual results of the company. The exact date of the meeting is set in the LLC charter.

The annual meeting of LLC participants must consider the issue of approving the annual report and the annual financial statements of the company.

In addition, the agenda of the meeting may include the following questions:

  • the conduct of an audit, the appointment of an auditing organization (auditor) and the determination of the remuneration for their services;
  • the distribution of net profit;
  • a number of other questions.

Please be reminded that the decision of the annual meeting of LLC participants can be taken by absentee vote (by ballot) till 31 December 2023.

NB! The failure to convene (evade convening) an ordinary (annual) meeting of LLC participants is an administrative offence, for which officials and LLCs are administratively liable in the form of a fine. The amount of fine for such an offence will vary for officials - from 20 000 rubles to 30 000 rubles, for LLC - from 500 000 rubles to 700 000 rubles.

It should be also taken into account that if the LLC is held liable for the abovementioned offence, the fine may subsequently be collected from the director or other person (body) responsible for preparing, convening and holding the meeting.

We will be glad to help you with the organization of the convocation and conduct of the ordinary general meeting of LLC participants, drawing up a protocol of the general meeting of LLC participants / a decision of the LLC sole participant, as well as to answer all your questions.

Maria Matrossowa, Project leader swilar OOO
M: maria.matrossowa@swilar.ru, T: + 7 495 648 69 44 (ext. 308)
Yulia Belokon, Deputy Project leader swilar OOO
M: yulia.belokon@swilar.ru, T: +7 495 648 69 44 (ext. 309)